Different Strategies to Handle the Outlook ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818

Nobody loves underlying inconsistency in Outlook. So, here we are going to elaborate on one such inconsistency that keeps erupting ‘Fix Outlook ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818’. This blog will help prevent this inconsistency and deliver a fresh PST file. If an Outlook PST file is damaged, then it needs repairing. So, there are many methods, one of them is ScanPST. If you’ve used Outlook for a long time, then you must be well familiar with its Inbox Repair Tool.

Even ScanpPST.exe may have issues and respond to a few errors in which
one of those is “Fatal Error: 80040818” at that point this blog will help you through this.

Now, let’s take a look at the reasons behind this while performing the PST Recovery process.

Reason for ScanPST Fatal Error

  • Compatibility problem

We know that Outlook 2002 and the previous versions generated PST file ANSI format. Whereas, Outlook 2003 and the newer versions created the UNICODE format. When a PST file with an older version trying to repair by ScanpPST then can’t process it, then may arise this error.

  • File Size Limit

Another reason for viewing the error to Fix ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818 is its file size.OST file should not be more than 2GB.

  • virus attack

Another possible cause could be the unexpected shutdown of Outlook or a virus attack. We understood all the reasons behind Fix Outlook ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818 error, now we redirect to ways of performing PST recovery.

Method to Fix ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818

This continuous error may frustrate you, so you need to read this blog carefully to know solutions for Fixing Fatal Error 80040818.

  • By overcoming the size of the PST file

If the size of the PST file reaches 2GB, then ScanPST fails and raises an error. Then, first I need to reduce the size of the PST file. You can delete some unnecessary items like old emails, tasks, appointments, attachments, etc.

  • By updating the format of the PST file

If your format is outdated and an error arises Fixing Fatal Error 80040818, then you need to update the file format. ScanPST is comfortable working with the UNICODE format. If your PST file is in ANSI format, then check the scenario to convert ANSI to UNICODE.

NOTE – You can convert just by using the new version of the Outlook application. Now, open a new version app, then create a new file then drag and drop the ANSI file to the newly created PST file and save it. Therefore, you can try to use ScanPST to repair the file again.

  • BY Antivirus

Sometimes Virus attacks our system and then it can damage our file and create problems for Outlook and other applications also. Virus attacks are also the reason for this error, so you can deeply scan our system with the help of antivirus and hope it will work for you.

  • By Automated method

If you are bored with manual strategies to fix Outlook ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818 error, then you can also take a chance to repair your PST file. So, here is an alternate way that requires downloading of a third-party tool named Repair Outlook PST Files. This tool will help the user to restore emails, tasks, calendars, attachments, etc. from the corrupted PST file.


Consider the above 4 methods to Fix Outlook ScanPST Fatal Error 80040818.
All of the above methods are working efficiently. But, we recommended going through professional methods that are the best method because they provide precise outcomes with easy steps. Hope this blog resolved your error.

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